Art Warriors
Friday, June 29, 2012
2011-2012 Clay Animation Videos
I'm sorry this took so long to get onto the blog but the end of the year is always so busy. Here are the clay Animation videos ...
Friday, November 4, 2011
Mrs. Crump's 8th art II-Clay Todems
Clay Totems Students started their Totems by rolling out slabs that they wrapped around a cylinder form. Then students use gravity and f...
Crazy, Silly, Fun in Art
Crazy, Silly, Fun in Art Crazy Hair Day Rockin on in art
Come Join Art Club
Art Club...Everyone is invited. Every Tuesday 3:00-5:00 Twin Spruce Art room 103 Art Club is a free after school program for students to c...
Preschool Visit
WeeKare Preschool Mini artist The preschool class from WeeKare came to twin and made ghost's with their feet with Mrs. Hussey's nint...
Mrs. Hussey's class-Print Making
Print Making Students start by creating a draft of their idea. Then they draw their design on to the lynolium block. Students then carve ...
Sunday, October 9, 2011
How Students are Graded
ART ASSESSMENT All Twin Spruce Art Teachers are using the same assessment to evaluate student projects. We use a four point grading system ...
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